Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I choose this story because I like the friendship among them, even I hardly found this kind of friendship up to know.. To know their friendship was, let me tell you the story.
“Snow White and the seven Dwarfs”
Once upon a time there lived a beautiful princess called Snow White. Her mother died and the father the king married again. The new queen hated Snow White. She was jealous of the princes beauty She always asked her magic mirror
Queen :“Hi magic mirror who is the fairies in the world?”
Magic Mirror :”Of course you are my queen.
Queen :“Ha..ha..ha…., I ‘m the most beautiful lady in the world.
“Nobody’s beautiful but me..
“Look at here, I ‘m the most beautiful lady in the world, am I?”
Magic Mirror :”Yes, you are right, my madam.
One day there was a handsome prince, He like to purpose Snow White to his wife
Knowing about this, the queen was quite furious. Then she asked the magic mirror the same questions
Queen :“Hi magic mirror who is the fairies of all?”
Magic Mirror :“Snow White. Yeeaaa Snow White madam,
Snow White is the fairies of all.
Then she was very angry. In her rage she shouted to her hunter
Queen :“Hunter … hunter… come here. Take Snow White to the wood
“Kill her and bring her heart to me”
Then the hunter took Snow White to the wood. He was just to fulfill his duties.
On the way to the wood , he fell to his knees.
Hunter :“Excuse me princess,
Snow White :“Yes, something wrong Hunter?
Hunter :”I’m sorry princess…I do I’m very sorry. Please forgive me. The queen
asked me to kill you. And bring your heart to her. I can’t do it.”
I’m sorry princess, run away to the wood and never return.
Then Snow White ran to the wood. She so frightened and shouted. She cried and cried for helps but nobody came to her.
Meanwhile in the diamond mind, the draft had finished working, they were on their way home. When they arrived, they surprised to see in the cottage.
When they were in the bedroom, they saw a very pretty girl l lying on one bed.
Happy :“Beautiful girl,… beautiful girl, wake up. Wake up”
“Who are you beautiful girl? Why are you sleeping on my bed?
Snow White :“I’m Snow White. I just came from very far.
“Is it your home?”
Happy :”You are right, pretty girl. I’m Happy, and they are Sleepy, Sneezy,
Grumpy, Dumpy, Pasful, and
Doc. We are family”
Hunter :“Dear queen , I’ve done to do. .
Queen :”Have you done it well?”
Hunter : Yes, madam
To prove news, she asked her magic mirror
Queen :“Hi magic mirror who is the fairies of all?”
Magic Mirror :”Snow White, yeea Snow White is the fairies of all
Look at here.”
The queen saw Snow White in the cottage with the seven drafts.
She was very angry
Then the next day she went to the wood. She appeared in the cottage when the draft were working. And then she met Snow White
Queen :“Good morning beautiful girl…I’m mbok Rondo. I live in this wood.
I passed here to my way home. I have some apples.
Would you please to have one, dear?” I’ll be very happy if you like it.
Snow White :“Thank you ma’am, It’s very kind of you.
But Snow White didn’t realize, that the apple was ……………….
When Snow White bit it, she was unconscious.
When the dwarfs came, they saw the princess lying on the floor
They decide to lie her in the glass coffin.
In the other palace, the prince knew
He decided to look for her in the wood. He found Snow White lying on the glass coffin
He open the lid, bend over, and kiss her. Only true loved kiss could awaken Snow White.
Slowly Snow White opened her eyes
Snow White :“Oh where am I? Who are you?
Prince :”Don’t worry princess, I come here to awaken you, because I love you
princess. Will you marry me?
The princess actually have been falling in love
Prince :“Don’t worry princess, You have been sleeping for along time.
Without wasting any time, the princess …………….
Then they live happily ever after.
The Fox and The Cat
The Fox : “How ever you are, my friend.”
“I’m prepared for any situation.”
“I have a whole bag of trick to choose from if my enemies try to
capture me,”
The Cat : “I’m afraid I’ve only got one trick, but it has always worked for
The fox looked at the cat and said:
The Fox : “One trick, how dumb is that?”
“I’ve got hundreds of ways of escaping.”
The Cat : “I still think is better to have one trick that works than waste time
triying to choose from a dozen that might.”
The Fox : “Rubbish.” “You’re just not as smart as me.”
Just then they heard a pack of dogs barking as they coming towards them. The cat immidiatelly ran up the nearest tree and hid on one of the highest brances.
The Cat : “That’s my trick.”
“You had better reach into that bag of tricks of yours and choose
one right now or you’re history.”
The Fox : “Ok, Ok, stay calm.”
“Should I run and hide behind the nearest hedge?”
Or should jump I burrow?”
The dogs were getting closer and closer.
The Fox : “Down the burrow that’s the way to go, and started running
around the field looking for a burrow.”
The Cat : “No, that one’s too small, I can’t get down for enough.”
“This one’s too big, they could get down too. Maybe that one over there?”
Too late. While the fox wasted time, confused by so many choices, the dogs caught him and killed him. The cat looked down sadly and said:
The Cat : “It’s better to have one safe way than a hundred you can’t choose
Golden Cucumber (Timun Mas)
Once upon a time, in a small village on the foot of the mountain, there lived a poor farmer who had been married to his wife for more than ten years. Although they were poor, they always enjoyed life. The only thing missing was a child. Being childless was almost unbearable for them since they loved children very much. However, they never gave up hope.
On top of the mountain was a man-eating giant who likes to prey on kids. The giant heard about the couple who longed to have a baby and he came up with a mean plan.
One day the giant climbed down the mountain and visited the couple. He offered the couple an agreement.
Giant : “What would you sacrifice to have a child?”
Couple: “Would you do anything,”
Giant : “Even if I ask you to sacrifice something you really love?”
Mother: “Oh, it doesn’t matter, really. We’re really desperate to have
a baby.”
Giant ; “Ok, then. Since you are a nice couple, I think it wouldn’t
hurt me to make your dream come true. I’ll give you some
magic cucumber seeds. Grow them well and when it is a
harvest time, you will find a baby girl in one of those
Couple: “Do you really mean it?”
Giant : “Of course, I do … You can have and take care of the baby.
But remember you must give back her to me on her
seventeenth birthday! Is it a deal?”
Couple: “Ok, it’s a deal!”
After giving the farmers some magic cucumber seeds, they giant went back to the top mountain they picked cucumber and tack it home when the mother cut it. She was surprised. There was a baby crying inside the cucumber. Oee oee oeee …... They named her Timun Mas.
As time went by Timun Mas grew into not only a kind, beautiful, and smart young lady, but also a green thumb --- someday who is outstanding or growing plants. She was almost 17 years old. It meant that her parents had to let Timun Mas be with the giant soon. On her seventeenth birthday, her parents told Timun Mas about the deal they had made with the giant. Knowing that she would be separated from her parents, Timun Mas burst into tears.
Timun Mas: “Don’t let the giant take and prey on me, Daddy!”
Father : “We won’t let anything bad happen to you, my dear,”
“You must leave this house so the giant will not find you.
Bring these bags with you. When the giant chases you, take
the needle and the salt from the bags and throw them at the
Reluctantly Timun Mas left the house, bidding farewell to her parents. It was the only way to avoid the giant. Not long after, the giant came and asked where Timun Mas was.
Father : “You will not find Timun Mas. We won’t let you prey on her,”
Giant : “Prey on your girl? What do you mean? Haven’t you heard
the latest gossip about me?”
“You see, I am a vegetarian now. I don’t prey on kids
Mother: “Vegetarian? How come?”
Giant : “I am an old giant now. I’ve consumed meat for the whole of
my life so my cholesterol and blood pressure are quite high. I
don’t want to have a heart attack. I must go on a diet and
stop consuming meat,”
Father: “Oh, I see …”
“Then why are you still looking for my daughter?”
Giant : “Umm… actually …”
I’ve heard that Timun Mas is very good at growing stuff. If
you don’t mind, I want her to give me some tips. Once I
learn the ropes, I want to pursue my dream and become a
professional farmer.”
Mother: “Oh, then you’d better hurry and find her. She left the house
a few minutes ago. I’m sure she hasn’t got too far yet,”
“But you must be very careful. You’ll find many obstacles
while chasing her. She’s fully armed,”
Father: “Bring this axe to slash the thorny trees but don’t hurt her,
okay?” And this life vest can help you swim.”
Giant : “Don’t worry. I am leaving now,”
With hid giant steps, the giant started to chase Timun Mas. It didn’t take a long time for the giant to get her. “Timun Mas! Timun! Wait!” the giant screamed, trying to the stop her.
But the giant’s scream made Timun Mas afraid of him instead. She ran faster and faster. When the giant was got, she threw needles at the giant. All of sudden, they turned into a thick forest with thorny trees. The giant was ready with his axe to cut down all of the trees that had hampered him to chase Timun Mas.
Timun Mas was so frightened. Soon she threw some salt at the giant, which suddenly change into a vast sea. The giant put on the life jacket and swam across the sea. He was finally able to get Timun Mas, whose adrenalin was pumped out of fear.
Timun Mas: “Please, Mr. Giant. Have mercy on me.
I’ll cook and clean your house … please don’t eat me,”
Giant: “Don’t be afraid, Timun Mas. I won’t prey on you,”
Timun Mas: “Really…? B…but why…? My parents told me that…”
Giant : “Your parents are right. But I’ve changed now …”
“I have turned into a vegetarian and I wanted very much to
learn about farming, Timun mas.”
Then, hand in hand, Timun Mas and the giant grew fruits and vegetables in the giant’s back yard. This collaboration resulted in a famous farm called “Giant Cucumber”. Together they made a lot of money from selling the fruits and vegetables they planted, and since they were good at controlling their cash flow.
From then, they lived happily ever after.
The End
Friday, October 2, 2009
Legend of Mount Tidar Magelang

Once upon a time, when the island of Java has just been created by the Creator in the form of land floating in the ocean; land there is constantly moving around. The gods then sent down from heaven to nailing the land to stop moving. Head of the nails used to nail the island of Java became a mountain which became known as Mount Tidar. Mountain situated on the edge of the southern town of Magelang who happened to be right in the middle of the island of Java is indeed the shape of the nail head, and therefore Tidar mountain known as "nail the land of Java".
Another tale of course was created after the arrival of Islam tells us that in ancient times this region was a kingdom ruled by a genie that the two giants. Sheikh Subakir, a propagator of Islam, came to this area to preach. Not willing to sheikh's arrival there was a fight between the king of Jin against the Sheikh. Apparently King Jin defeated by Sheikh Subakir. King of Jin and his wife then fled to the South Sea to join the Nyai Rara Kidul who ruled the South Sea. Before running the King Jin vowed to return to Mount Tidar unless the people of this area would be a follower of Sheikh Subakir.
This legend is attached to the traditional Javanese society. This is because the term has been mentioned in Joyoboyo and flows into tinular said public confidence.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tarumanegara Kingdom
In the 5th century AD has stood Kingdom Tarumanegara. Tarumanegara kingdom ruled by King Purnawarman. King Purnawarman is a capable king and trying to improve the welfare of the people. Therefore, the people prosper in an atmosphere of safe and secure. The influence of Hindu religion and the news from China proves that the Kingdom of Tarumanegara been in contact with abroad. The presence of foreign relations with the community life Tarumanegara causes stepped forward, both the fields of science and the field trade.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Football in Javanese Style
In Indonesia, many of our conference, a wide range of ways to play soccer. from playing ball of fire until the ball leaves play. They are so enjoying the game of football is a game that can form a good team to score goals.
Nation Gods (Dewa-dewa)
Puppet, which then was known as one medium of communication and information of a community, the more experience acculturation when then developed the teachings of Islam in Java. Where the process itself is also spreading the culture using puppets as an effort to do da'wah without coercion. From this point, then the position of the god selarah be composed so that the concept of unity in Islam. Hence the piece-piece in the kingdom of Demak, the Wali Songo, until then-piece composed by the writers who made the kingdom of Mataram in both Yogyakarta and Surakarta.
This composition shift the terms of the god, not as a manifestation of god, but no more as one of the beings of the Creator's creation (which one). Where the Gods as a creature of the Creator, created chance have the advantages and privileges compared to other nations, the human race, a giant nation, the apes, the jinn, the nation gandarwa, etc.. Still, the advantages and privileges are still in the framework of the context that this nation as one of the Creator's creatures. This is shown by the creation of puppet plays of Java, which shows the errors, limitations and oversight the Gods. As proof that the rulers of the gods is not true. They 'only' the excess was given the responsibility to protect nature. Keeping the Sun, Wind, Moon, Fire, Soil, Kindness, etc.
Semar in Java
That there was really nothing.
Actually there, it was not.
Which is not thought yes.
The wanter (excited) heart, lost spirits (kewanterane), for fear that a mistake.
Maya, or Ismaya, black light, also called PLANTS means subtle, or not clear.
In the wayang story, Semar is the son of Sang Hyang Wisesa, he was given the gift mustika astagina beads, which has 8 power, namely:
1. never hungry
2. not sleepy
3. never fall in love
4. never sad
5. never feel tired
6. ill never
7. never hot
8. never cold
eighth power is tied to the existing hair on the crown or crest. Semar or Ismaya, given some degree that is; Batara Semar, Batara Ismaya, Batara Iswara, Batara Samara, Trance Universe Wungku, Jatiwasesa Trance, Trance magnifier. He was ordered to master nature Sunyaruri, or the empty nature, are not allowed in the nature of human hold the world.
In nature Sunyaruri, Batara Semar Sanggani paired with the daughter of the Goddess of Silence Trance. From the results of their marriage, was born ten children, namely: Batara Wungkuam or Bongkokan Trance, Batara Siwah, Batara Wrahaspati, Batara Yamadipati, Batara Surya, Candra Batara, Batara Kwera, Batara Tamburu, Batara Kamajaya and Goddess Sarmanasiti. Elder son named Batara Wungkuam or have children Bongkokan Trance midget, ipel-ipel and black. Children are given the name and ordered Semarasanta down in the world, lived in the hermitage Pujangkara. Semarasanta assigned to serve in the Hermitage Receipt Saptaarga Kanumanasa.
Narrated emergence Saptaarga Semarasanta in Hermitage, beginning when Semarasanta chased by two tigers, he ran up to Saptaarga and helped by Rishi Kanumanasa. The Tigers to two diruwat by the sage and to both turn into a beautiful angel. Old named Dewi Kanestren and the young goddess named Retnawati. Diperistri by Kanestren Goddess and the Goddess Semarasanta be Retnawati Resi Kanumanasa wife. From that point on serve in Saptaarga Semarasanta and given the title Janggan Semarsanta.
As a civil or a retainer, Janggan Semarasanta very loyal to bZndara (host) it. He always recommend to undergo behavior concerned with abstinence, prayer, reduced sleep and meditate, in order to achieve glory. Many suggestions and advice which leads to life dibisikan by virtue of this figure. So that only the sage, priest or even a strong knight sold through concerned, has never give up spirit, humble and noble behavior, a strong Janggan Emong by Semarasanta. It could be argued that Janggan Semarasanta a blessing in disguise. Anyone who attended, his life will reach the peak of success that brings lasting inner and outer kebahagiaqan. In the wayang story notes, there are seven people strong in Emong by Janggan Semarasanta, namely; Receipt Manumanasa to six offspring, Sakri, Sekutrem, Palasara, Abiyasa, Pandudewanata and until Arjuna.
If you're angry with the Gods, Janggan Semarasanta katitisan by the Batara eyangnya Semar. If seen physically, Semarasanta is a bad man and a black dwarf, but the fact that there is behind it he is the person named Batara god Semar or Batara Ismaya.
Because Batara Semar is not allowed direct control of the natural world, so he wore wadag Janggan Semarasanta as manitis media (live and together), so that eventually Semarasanta name is rarely mentioned, he was better known by the name of Semar.
As written above, or Ismaya Semar is a portrayal that is not clear sesuatau disguised.
That there is Semarasanta, but actually there is no Semarasanta.
There really is Batara Semar, but he was not Batara Semar, he is a dwarf human body, called black Semarasanta.
True, he is Semarasanta, but that is not done solely Semarasanta deeds.
If you really believe that he Semarasanta, a sudden change of belief that he is Batara Semar, and ultimately not sure, for fear of wrong. That is something that is not clear, still disguised, which is described in a figure of Semar.
PLANTS is a mystery, the secret of the Creator. The secret will be hidden to people who self-centered, greed, jealousy, arrogant and proud, but open to those who are patient, sincere, noble and humble minds. And people in the Secret bestowed, or PLANTS, life will succeed to the top of the happiness and glory of eternal nan.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Prambanan Fable

“Anyone who disapproves me will be punished!” he said always. People were living in fear.
After capturing Prambanan Kingdom, Bandung Bondowoso was in love with beautiful Roro Jonggrang, the princess of Prambanan Kingdom.
“Would you, the most beautiful princess Roro Jonggrang, be my queen?” he proposed Roro Jonggrang to be his wife, the queen of Pengging Kingdom.
The princess was very angry, “How come he who captured our kingdom propose me to be his queen,” she thought. But if she refused, then Bandung Bondowoso will be very mad and endanger her family and the Prambanan people as well. However, it was impossible to accept him since the deep hatred in her heart.
"So, what do you think Roro Jonggrang?" urged Bandung Bondowoso. Suddenly Roro Jonggrang got an idea.
“In fact, I am prepared to be the queen and my honored to be proposed by you Your Highness,” she said politely,”…but on one condition…”
“Tell me princess, what’s the condition?" Bandung Bondowoso asked in curiosity, “The abundant wealth? or a grand palace?”
"Not that, Your Highness,” said Roro Jonggrang, “Just make one thousand temples for me”.
"One thousand temples?" shouted Bondowoso.
"Yes, and those temples must be finished in one night."
After that Bandung Bondowoso kept thinking how he can make 1,000 temples in one night. Giving up on thinking of the way to make his dream comes true, he finally asked his kingdom counselor about his problem.
"I believe that Your Highness can make those temples by the help of genies!" said the counselor. Bandung Bondowoso gladly agreed and ordered him to set up everything he needed to build the temples.
After all had been set up, Bandung Bondowoso stood in front of an altar.
“To all my genies, help me build one thousand temples in one night!" He shouted with his rumbled voice. Suddenly, sky turned into dark. The wind and thunder were roaring and howling.
In a short time the genies had built hundreds of temples and almost reached one thousand in few hours.
In the meantime, silently Roro Jonggrang observed them from the distance. She was worried, realizing that Bandung Bondowoso was helped by the genies, “What can I do?” she asked to her servants. One of them told her to burn straws so the fire set the sky to flame in the Prambanan Kingdom sky. It will make the genies think that the night has turn to dawn.
"Quick, burn all the straws!" Roro Jonggrang ordered. While some servants quickly gathered and burn straws, others pounded mortars and pestles to make sound that people of the kingdom had started their morning activities.
Seeing the eastern sky flared with red color and the pounded sound made the genies thought that morning had broken.
"We must immediately leave before our bodies scorched by the sun," the genies yelled to each other. All the genies jumped out of the unfinished temples.
Later in the morning, Bandung Bondowoso visited the princess room and told Roro Jonggrang that the one thousand temples had been built completely. Roro Jonggrang and Bandung Bondowoso then counted the temples together. Unfortunately, the temples were only 999!
"It means that you have failed to fulfill the requirement to marry me".
"It’s impossible!!" yelled Bandung Bondowoso angrily. He pointed at Roro Jonggrang and cursed her, “…then you must be the one to complete the one thousand temples!”
Magically, Roro Jonggrang at once turned into the stone statue.
At present, these temples are still existing and located in the Prambanan Temple complex, Klaten, Central Java. Today, the stone statue of Roro Jonggrang is known as Roro Jonggrang Temple.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Bromo Mountain Fable

At the former times when Gods frequent go down to the earth, Majapahit that was the biggest kingdom in the world was attack from another country. Civilian was confused to flee for safety, and also the Gods feel it. At that moments Gods goes to the Bromo mountain and stay at there. Bromo Mountain environment is so tranquil, covered by a smooth fog, and good bird sing their song. The Gods go down to stay in Penanjakan hill that we can see the sunrise and sunset.
Around Penanjakan hills stay alived hermits in their hermitage. Day by day they pray to God to get peacfull in the world and their life. There is a son of sacred hermit, he is called Joko Seger. Joko is mean boy and seger is mean health. And a beautiful girl descendant of Goddess, she is called Roro Anteng. Roro Anteng is mean a girl with calmness.
They named it Tengger by the last syllables of their names. The principality did prosper, but the ruling couple failed to conceive children. In their despair they climbed Mount Bromo to pray to the gods, who granted them help, but requested the last child to be sacrificed to the gods. They had 24 children, and when the 25th and last child Kesuma was born Roro Anteng refused to do the sacrifice as promised. The gods then threatened with fire and brimstone, until she finally did the sacrifice. After the child was thrown into the crater, the voice of the child ordered the local people to perform an annual ceremony on the volcano, which is not held today. It's callled Kasada.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Javanese Kids Games
A. Jelungan (hide and seek inthe midnight)
Before year 1983, We still live in the dark when the night came. We got the light from the lantern at home, or only got the light from the moon and the star. When the full moon come, all the kids in the village play a lot of games. Jelungan is one of our games that we usually played. We gather in the field in front of Pak Lurah house. Before we play, we have a deal that we cann't hide in the house or on the tree. After make a deal, than we do hompimpa to choose who is the player. After we got the player, we close his eyes with cloth and then we hide. The player can open his eyes after we say ready. If one of us catch by th player so become the next player. The purpose of this games is to make we brave and not affraid to stay in the dark.
B. Jamuran ( mushroom games)
Jamuran games play by 4 person or more. This games teach us how become a good teamwork. when we play this games, we standing on one foot and the other foot hooked to other foot of our friends. And in the same time we sing a song together. So if one of us not balance when stand, the mushroom (Jamuran) become fall down
C. New Javanese kids games.
Now a lot of kids already forgot about javanese kids games that give us a lot of lesson. They playing play station, game onlines, fable games, etc. This is normal because we stay a life in different era. Now we only can told our kids about our old games that gives us a lot of function for our think pattern.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Boiling Water Story II
Father asking: ”what do you see my dear son?”
Son answer: “carrot, egg and coffee”.
Father said: “Come here my dear son I saw something !”.
Father asking: “Feel all this think !”
Son said : “I feel this carrot become mushy and inside the egg become springy”
Father asking: “Taste the coffee my son !, what do you feel?”
Son said : “what is the meaning with all this thing my father?”
At the same time He smile with coffee on his hand and enjoy it.
His father describe:”The carrot, egg and coffee has same hard times during boiling but each other give different response. Before cooked, Carrot is hard and tough but after we cooked become soft and tender. The egg is breakable and soft liquid inside before boiled. After we boiled the egg become hard and springy. The coffee become unique after we boiled, Coffee grounds changed the water become so tasty and nice aroma”
Father asking : “Which one you belonging to?” when hard times come to you. How come are you? Become carrot, egg or coffee?”
Are you a carrot? That it’s look hard but after the hard times come become soft and lost his strengthen and give up?
Are you egg? In the beginning has soft heart, dynamic soul, but after hard times come become hard heart and lifeless.
Or, are you coffee? Coffee grounds changed hot water that gave them painfulness during boiling until 100 degree C but after that become nice coffee drink and feel so delicious and refresh your mind.
So, if you like a coffee grounds, even when the hard times come and all the condition become worse, you will be better and make good condition to all the people around you. The last, NEVER GIVE UP, AND BE SUCCESS MY SON.
Boiling Water Story I
His father is a chef, He bring his son to the kitchen. He fill three pan with water and heat up on the fire. After the water boiled, He put inside three kind of food into it. The first pan he put carrot, the second pan he put egg, and the third pan he put coffee grounds. Without any word, He let it boiled. His son speechless and waiting with impatient. He thinking “what is he doing?” (to be continued..)